On 2011-01-17, Fredric Fredricson <fredric.fredric...@bonetmail.com> wrote:
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> On 01/15/2011 11:52 PM, Randall Smith wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've created a trigger that checks the uniqueness of two columns in a
>> table.  Traditionally, one would use a unique constraint, but in my
>> case, the size of the unique index would be too large and some
>> performance loss is acceptable.  However, the trigger performance seems
>> to be far below what's indicated by an explain analyze of the query used
>> in the trigger.
>> The unique fields consist of a an indexed int8 (volume_id) and a text
>> field (name).  The average ratio of volume_id to name is 1 to 10,000.
>> The query I'm using to check uniqueness in the trigger is:

> A possible work around could be to store an extra field that contains 
> the md5 hash of the text field and use that field in the index instead 
> of the text itself. The md5 sum could be calculated by your trigger.

you don't have to store it, only index on it.

create unique index t1_nodups on t1(  volume_id,md5(name));

⚂⚃ 100% natural

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