On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 07:28:36PM +0100, Michael Justin wrote:
> While I am still new to PostgreSQL and have real world experience with  
> DB2 InterBase and Firebird only I am interested to write a similar tool  
> for PostgreSQL.
> Maybe there are articles or discussions which help to get an  
> introduction to the practical usage of PostgreSQL Statistics Views, like  
> typical queries used to identify potential problems? Just to give an  
> example: on InterBase and Firebird, long running transactions can cause  
> performance problems, and a typical system monitoring task is to find  
> the clients or processes with the oldest transactions (older than x  
> minutes).

There are several such tools already. That's not to say that writing another
is a bad idea, just that there are lots you could look at for inspiration. One
of the most widely-used is check_postgres, found here:


Joshua Tolley / eggyknap
End Point Corporation

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