On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 07:30:32PM +0100, Alexander Farber wrote:
> Shouldn't the line
>     "pref_match_check" CHECK (completed >= win AND win >= 0)
> above actually be:
>     "pref_match_win_check" CHECK (completed >= win AND win >= 0)
> ? Does it indicate something went wrong or is it just cosmetic issue?

That's its name.  It could be "fredsredwagon".  If you want it to have
a specific name, then name it when you create the constraint.  This is
a little hard to understand from the manual, because of all the square
brackets and such, but I encourage you to experiment with the manual
open to see exactly what everything does.

I haven't checked just this instant, but I think you can rename the
constraint if you don't like its name.


Andrew Sullivan

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