On 5 March 2011 16:08, matty jones <urlu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I already have a domain name but I am looking for a hosting company that I
> can use PG with.  The few I have contacted have said that they support MySQL
> only and won't give me access to install what I need or they want way to
> much.  I don't need a dedicated host which so far seems the only way this
> will work, all the companies I have researched so far that offer shared
> hosting or virtual hosting only use MySQL.  I will take care of the setup
> and everything myself but I have already written my code using PG/PHP and I
> have no intention of switching.
> Thanks.
 I am using A2 Hosting (www.a2hosting.com ) which offers 8.4...  They are
inexpensive and so far reliable.


- Bret
"Why should I fret in microcosmic bonds
That chafe the spirit, and the mind repress,
When through the clouds gleam beckoning beyonds
Where shining vistas mock man's littleness?"
 - H.P. Lovecraft, "Phaeton" (1918)

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