On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Henry C. <he...@cityweb.co.za> wrote:
> On Sat, April 2, 2011 14:17, Jens Wilke wrote:
>> Nevertheless since at least 8.4 IMO there's no need to bother with
>> manual vacuum any more.
> Sadly, in my case, the db is so busy that autovac processes run for weeks and
> never catch up (insufficient h/w for the app quite frankly - the addition of
> some more SSD drives have already helped).  I eventually run up against the
> wraparound wall and the only way forward is to stop everything and
> dump/restore (vacuuming the entire db would take an unknown period of N x
> weeks - dumping/restoring completes in a day or two).

Have you tried upping the aggressiveness of autovacuum?

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