On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Gipsz Jakab <clausewit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Vick, I'll try it tonight. I will give 1024 shared_buffers and
> maintenance_work_mem, and 102 MB of work_mem.
> A question: I didn't use (it's marked with #) the effective_planner (or any
> other planner method or config option). Is it ok, when I turn it on with
> that parameter: 1036MB?
the variables below are all the ones I change from default other than the
logging settings (I like more verbose logging).

I have no opinion or experiences on any other settings.

> DROP/ADD TABLE stuck: I realized, that the locks number is so high, what
> about these settings:
I don't think it has to do with number of locks, but with actually waiting
for a lock.

> deadlock_timeout = 1s
> max_locks_per_transaction = 64
> is it ok? or is it too high?

That depends really on your application's needs.  I wouldn't change it
unless you get warnings that you are hitting this limit.

Please keep the message on-list.

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