On 04/08/2011 03:44 PM, Clemens Eisserer wrote:

I have a query where I UNION several select statements which return
IDs of type INTEGER.
This works well, if the IDs don't need to be sorted:
SELECT id FROM table WHERE id IN ((select id FROM table WHERE ...) UNION 
(SELECT id  FROM table_ WHERE ....))

However I need the result the UNIONs to be sorted, so I tried the following:

SELECT id FROM table WHERE id IN (SELECT col0 FROM ((select id FROM table WHERE 
...) UNION (SELECT id  FROM table_ WHERE ....)) AS col0 ORDER BY col0 OFFSET X 
FEHLER:  Operator existiert nicht: integer = record
ERROR: Operator does not exist: integer = record
LINE 1: Select id FROM table WHERE id IN (Select col0 FROM ...

Is there any way to get the results of UNIONs sorted, without
converting it to record?

Thanks, Clemens

PS: I know the query looks really stupid, however the queries I UNION
are auto-generated SQL.
I don't have much choice here to write the query more efficient :/

does this work for you?

        select u.id from (your unions) as u order by u.id

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