Hi all,

I'm trying to do some comparisons between the EXTERNAL and the EXTENDED storage 
methods on a bytea column and from the outside the setting doesn't appear to 
affect the value stored on initial insert, but perhaps I'm looking at the wrong 
numbers.  If I create two new tables with a single bytea column and set one of 
them to external storage, then insert an existing bytea value from another 
table into each one, they appear to be of exactly the same size.  This is using 
PG 9.0.3 on Debian Lenny, using the backports-sloppy deb package of PG 9.

(I've verified that the first table has "extended" storage via pg_attribute and 
that the second table has external.)

create table obj1 ( object bytea );
create table obj2 ( object bytea );
alter table obj2 alter column object set storage external;
insert into obj1 ( object ) select object from serialized_content where id = 
insert into obj2 ( object ) select object from obj1;
select pg_total_relation_size('obj1') as o1, pg_total_relation_size( (select 
reltoastrelid from pg_class where relname = 'obj1' ) ) as otoast1, 
pg_total_relation_size('obj2') as o2, pg_total_relation_size( (select 
reltoastrelid from pg_class where relname = 'obj2' ) ) as otoast2;
  o1   | otoast1 |  o2   | otoast2 
 65536 |   57344 | 65536 |   57344
(1 row)

Now at this point if I perform a vacuum full on one or both, they'll both 
shrink down to a bit over half that size:

vacuum full obj1;
vacuum full obj2;
select pg_total_relation_size('obj1') as o1, pg_total_relation_size( (select 
reltoastrelid from pg_class where relname = 'obj1' ) ) as otoast1, 
pg_total_relation_size('obj2') as o2, pg_total_relation_size( (select 
reltoastrelid from pg_class where relname = 'obj2' ) ) as otoast2;
  o1   | otoast1 |  o2   | otoast2 
 40960 |   32768 | 40960 |   32768

This shrinkage doesn't occur with a normal vacuum, in fact the reported sizes 
increase if I do a normal vacuum at that point, but that's not germane to my 
question AFAICT.

Can I use the relation size like this to determine whether or not compression 
is happening for these toast columns?  If not, is there a way that I can 
confirm that it is or isn't active?  The results appear to be similar for text 


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