On 2011-04-06, Jerry Sievers <gsiever...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Carlos Mennens <carlos.menn...@gmail.com> writes:
>> (
>>    id integer PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, --ID
>>    fname character varying(40) NOT NULL, --First name
>>    lname character varying(40) NOT NULL, --Last name
>>    email character varying NOT NULL, --email address
>>    office integer NOT NULL, --Office number
>>    dob date NOT NULL, --Date of birth
>>    age integer NOT NULL --Age
>> )
>> ;
>> Is there a way in SQL I can have the users 'age' be auto adjusted
>> based on the 'id' & 'dob'? I would assume this is possible because if
>> you have 100 employees, I doubt someone has time to sit and change
>> everyone's age from 31 > 32 on their birthday. Can someone please help
>> explain how this works or what the SQL code would look like assuming
>> that it's possible? I have no advanced far enough to see what triggers
>> and views are so perhaps it's just my level with SQL in general.
> I'd suggest not storing age but instead wrapping with a view that calls
> date_trunc('year', now() - dob).

unfortunately that doesn't work.

now() - dob gives you a number of days, and there's no reliable way to 
convert a number of days into a number of years. 

someone born 365 days ago today is 1 year old.
but in a years time someone then 365 days old would not be because of
the leap year.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

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