On 05/05/11 8:14 PM, Joshua Tolley wrote:
On Thu, May 05, 2011 at 03:07:20PM +0530, tushar nehete wrote:
Warning: prerequisite DBD:Pg 2.0 not found. We have 1.49.
Warning: prerequisite ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.32 not found. We have 6.30.
You need to install DBD::Pg, version 2.0 or greater. You also need to install
ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.32 or greater. These are both Perl packages,
available several different ways. Sometimes your operating system will
provide sufficiently recent versions through its own packaging system (e.g.
"yum install perl-DBD-Pg"); the more difficult way is to get it through CPAN,
per instructions here: http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html
if you do get it into your mind that you need a newer version of perl
than was supplied with RHEL 5 or whatever, do NOT replace the system
perl in /usr/lib/perl ... instead, build your own perl to run in
/usr/local/perl5 or /opt/perl5 or something.
I only see perl-DBD-Pg 1.49 in the RHEL repos, and I don't see
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker in there at all (or in EPEL or in RpmForge). so
you might be stuck with going the CPAN route. This will likely require
you to install the development tools (gcc etc) as well as perl-devel
If you want to do it cleanly, there exist scripts to turn CPAN modules
into RPMs, so your system files remain under RPM management... otherwise
a future yum upgrade could step on what you've manually installed.
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