thank you depesz, your help was very useful!

Am 12.05.2011 13:19, schrieb hubert depesz lubaczewski:
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 10:56:20AM +0200, Andreas Laggner wrote:
Hi list,

i always vaccumed my postgresql automatically with crontab, because
autovacuum is not suitable for my applications. With version 8.2 it
works perfect for me with this command line:

00 02 * * *    postgres /usr/bin/vacuumdb -d gis -z

But not with 9.0, because vacuumdb now wants to have the password to
connect to the db.
version has nothing to do with it. You had to change pg_hba.conf - most
likely you changes "trust" authentication for local connections to
something like md5 or password.
it works exactly the same way in 8.2 as in 9.0 - if connection has
"trust" authenticator - password is not necessary.

i did not find any options to send the password with the command
line in vacuumdb!?
best options are to either use .pgpass file (described here:
or setup system in such way that postgres user can login locally without
password, using ident authenticator. be warned though that ident, when
not well configured, is a common source of problems - described for
example here:

Best regards,


Dipl. Geoökologe Andreas Laggner

Institut für Agrarrelevante Klimaforschung (AK) des vTI
Arbeitsgruppe Emissionsinventare
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI),
Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei

Institute of Agricultural Climate Research (AK) of the vTI
Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute (vTI),
Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries

Bundesallee 50
D-38116 Braunschweig

Tel.: (+49) (0)531 596 2636
Fax : (+49) (0)531 596 2645

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