
> You can easily install it as a contrib . Just read the installation guide or
> the man Page.

Thanks Eric. How though?

The instructions here --
http://reorg.projects.postgresql.org/pg_reorg.html  -- are woefully

I have a standard PG install on WHM/Cpanel type server. I know the
path to pgsql. I can download the pg_reorg.1.1.5.tar.gz into this
folder and untar it. Then what? A "make" and "make install" does not
work -- the usual "./config" stuff is not available.

Sorry, I need more detailed steps.

I googled and found this:

But the recommended steps:

   gmake install

...don't work either. Here's what I see:

[mydomain] src > cd pg_reorg-1.1.5

[mydomain] pg_reorg-1.1.5 > gmake
Makefile:13: ../../src/Makefile.global: No such file or directory
gmake: *** No rule to make target `../../src/Makefile.global'.  Stop.

[mydomain] pg_reorg-1.1.5 >

What am I missing?

PS. If pg_reorg is such a useful contribution, why can't it be
included with PG? Seems like a very useful tool anyway! No?


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