On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Raymond O'Donnell <r...@iol.ie> wrote:
> That's because of what I just mentioned above. :-) It's not a type: it's
> just a shortcut. What you need to do instead is something like this:
>  -- Create the sequence.
>  create sequence users_id_seq;
>  -- Tell the column to pull default values from the sequence.
>  alter table users alter column id set default nextval('users_id_seq');
>  -- Establish a dependency between the column and the sequence.
>  alter sequence users_id_seq owned by users.id;

Yup - that explains that the shortcut doesn't work for existing tables
but only during CREATE TABLE. Otherwise I will need to manually CREATE
SEQUENCE...blah blah blah.

Thank you!

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