
2011/6/14 Darren Duncan <>

> Alpha Beta wrote:
>> Hi list,  (newbie with databases)
>> I was looking out in net about how can we determine or find all functional
>> dependencies in a  relational database, but didn't find.
>> So can please anyone here tell me if functional dependecies for each table
>> of a relational database can be found explicitly or
>> we need algorithms for it or any other way?
>> Best regards!
> Look for pairs of columns/attributes X and Y (or X may be a set of
> columns/attrs) where, for every row/tuple having the same value for X, the
> row/tuple always has the same value for Y.  In this situation, for the data
> you have at least, there would seem to be a relationship where X determines
> Y and Y depends on X.  Use an algorithm that does this looking for pairs. --
> Darren Duncan

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