John, Michael,

Thanks for the thorough tips. Worked perfectly! The .pgpass file is quite useful. Could've saved myself a lot of typing the past few years!

Note that since I already prepared a CSV formated file for the COPY statement, once I created the .pgpass file, I opted for Michael's suggestion; eg:

cat myfile | psql -c "COPY mytable (name, description, text) FROM stdin"


On Jun 21, 2011, at 1:10 PM, John R Pierce wrote:

On 06/21/11 12:43 PM, Scott Frankel wrote:

Hi all,

Is there a way to pipe text into a COPY statement's stdin input using cmd-line psql?

I'm using the following syntax to enter large strings of text into a table. The text itself has a json-like syntax that has the potential for carrying numerous special characters.

   COPY mytable(name, description, text) FROM stdin;
<the text>

Problem is that my terminal's copy-paste buffer is much smaller than the text I need to insert.

- I do not have superuser perms for the db, so passing a file instead of stdin is not an option.

- Ditto for using \i to import a file.

- The db is password protected, so invoking `psql` as a non- interactive command may not be possible. Right?

- If I'm wrong, anyone have example syntax of how to create a valid COPY statement? I've found an interesting OSX cmd-line util that copies/pastes between Terminal and the "pasteboard." Though I think this just gets bitten by the file restriction anyway, eg:

   % cat bigfile.txt > pbcopy
       COPY mytable(name, description, text) FROM stdin;
     pbpaste > stdin(???)

You can get around the password issue via .pgpass, put this file in your home directory with permissions 600, and lines like...


You may replace any fields with *, so like...


To copy data from a file, use the \copy command in psql, create a .SQL file like...

  \copy yourtable(name,description,text) from stdin

then execute this file like

  $ psql -f yourfile.sql -d dbname

There is no file size restriction here, as it reads that file as its going and streams it to the sql COPY command...

(note indents are purely to show verbatim stuff from my mail text, there are no idents in these files)

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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