On Thursday, June 23, 2011 02:46:52 pm you wrote:
> On 6/23/11 3:24:12 AM, Aritz Dávila wrote:
> > Hi list,
> > 
> > I have installed postgresql 8.4 on Ubuntu server 10.4. I would like to
> > have remote access to this database so after reading I found out that
> > modifying pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf will allow me to access
> > remotely.
> > 
> > The postgresql database is on The port 5432 is open,
> > checked it with nmap -p1-65535 localhost. The server is comunicating
> > with other pcs from the subnet, I can connect to it through ssh.
> > 
> > Here is what I have done:
> > I enabled the following on the postgresql.conf file:
> > listen_addresses = '*'
> > port = 5432
> > 
> > My subnet is under 192.168.2.xxx so I added the following to the
> > pg_hba.conf: host    all     all  trust
> Ditto Raymond that you probably mean /24 here.
> > After doing all this things, if I try to connect remotely I got a
> > connection refused error.
> > psql -h -d database
> > psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
> > 
> >          Is the server running on host "" and accepting
> >          TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
> > 
> > Another strange thing is the following one, if I do the following on the
> > database server: psql -h localhost -d database, I grant access but if I
> > do the following psql -h -d database on the database
> > server, I got a connection refused error.
> Given that this is Linux, I would guess that there's some SELinux stuff
> enabled by default that's disallowing the connection, and that it really
> doesn't have anything to do with PostgreSQL.  I've had personal
> frustrations (and watched many others as well) with SELinux default
> configs that tend to deny lots of access by default and not really
> log anything telling you that they're denying it.
> Could also be a firewall rule or any other OS mechanism that limits/
> controls access through IP.  With -h localhost, you're probably
> connecting through the unix domain socket, which isn't controlled
> by any firewall I'm aware of, and seems to be ignored as always
> safe to allow by most SELinux configs.
> May want to consider disabling SELinux altogether (even if only as
> a temporary debugging step) and see if things start to work.

Thx for the answers, I'll take a look at the linux systems because as I though 
postgre configuration seems ok.


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