I'm having a issue installing or should I say uninstalling these 3 drivers. 
I have both 8.4.2 and 9.1 b2 installed.  When I brought up the stack
building to install these three drivers they say they are already
installed.  Well the drivers don't show up in the unistall a program window
and the ODBC driver doesn't show up administrative console data sources. 
I've checked through my registry and there is no mention of these drivers in
there.  Not entries at least.

It looks like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.  I backed up my db
under 8.4.2 and then uninstalled.  It said all components were sucessfully
uninstalled.  I did the same thing to 9.1.  When I went back to install
8.4.2 first, when I came to the stack builder it showed all three of the
drivers installed.

It looks like I've got something out of sync here and I will probably have
to manually clean this up, but how.

Best Regards

Michael Gould

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