Tom Lane wrote:
Robert Haas <> writes:
If for some reason we needed to have tables that happened to be called
x.y.z and a.b.c accessible from a single SQL session, we could allow
that much more simply by allowing schemas to be nested.  Then we could
allow arbitrary numbers of levels, not just three.

FWIW, I actually tried to do that back when we first introduced schema
support (the fact that the code calls them namespaces and not schemas
is a leftover from that idea).  It turns out to be a whole lot harder
than it sounds, because of the ambiguity you get about which name goes
at what level.  A simple example of this is: if you write "x.y" in a
query, is that meant to be table x's column y, or is it meant to be
field y within a composite column x of some table in the query?
We've resolved that by requiring you to write "(x).y" when you mean
the latter, but it's not exactly an intuitive or pleasant answer.
In the same way, if namespaces can be nested to different levels,
it gets really messy to support abbreviations of any sort --- but
the SQL spec requires us to be able to do so.

What if you used the context of the calling code and resolve in favor of whatever match is closest to it? The problem is related to general-purpose programming languages.

Basically start looking in the lexical context for an "x" and if you find one use that; otherwise, assuming we're talking about referencing code that lives in the database such as a function, look at the innermost schema containing the referencing code and see if it has a direct child named "x"; otherwise go up one level to a parent schema, and so on until you get to the top, and finding none by then say it doesn't exist.

If there are several "x" in this search sequence, only use the first one regardless of whether it has a "y", so to prevent bugs from too much complexity. Same for just looking for "x" by itself in fact, not just an "x.y".

For the case of calling code that doesn't live in the database such as a client-side query, I believe there are session variables like "current schema" or such, and you can use this as the starting point for the search for "x", looking first at what that schema directly contains, and then its parent, and so on.

Something like that.

Or ignore what I said about starting in a lexical context and do what you already do there, but keep what I said about relative order of schemas to search, only searching direct children of ancestors of the current code's context schema starting with the current context.

You could also come up with some "relative name" syntax such as filesystems support with their ../ and such, but that's further from standard SQL.

-- Darren Duncan

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