> Sometimes per week server stops randomly responding for approx 5 minutes.
> User  should wait for 5 minutes before server responds.
> Other users can work normally at same time.

So does the whole machine just stop responding, or just the postgresql?
Are those other users using postgresql or some other services?

> Monday this happens at  12:16
> I havent noticed anythis special in PostgreSql and windows logs at this
> time.

Have you done some basic monitoring? This typically happens when the
machine does a lot of I/O (swapping, checkpoints, ...) - not sure how this
is logged.

> How to fix or find reason for this ?

First, you have to determine what's wrong. Set up some basic monitoring,
on Linux I'd use iostat/vmstat, not sure about the windows - try process
explorer from sysinternals.

> 10-25 users manually entering sales order, e.q. low server usage

So they're entering the data directly into the database? Are you sure
there's not something wrong in the application (e.g. a loop that takes a
lot of time in some cases)?

> Server is installed using setup program from postgresql.org directed site,
> postresql.conf file is not modified after installation.

Not sure what setup program you mean (there's an install from
EnterpriseDB), but the default config values are usually too low (e.g. the
default shared buffers is 24MB IIRC, but in your case 512MB would be
probably better). Not sure if that's the problem, though.


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