On 07/20/2011 02:14 AM, Stuart Cooper wrote:
Nice to see some poker being discussed on this list. Much more
reputable than Stock Trading.

If the casinos did something like what traders call "front-running", they'd all be put in jail the next day for cheating their customers. Just a day in the life of many trading firms though.

Opponent: AT
Stuart the LuckyBum: 88
Flop: ATT

Myself and opponent checked that flop,

Since they decided to slow-play after flopping three of a kind in a limit game, they deserved to lose the hand. Never should have let you see the next card for free; they got greedy and paid for it.

Opponent was pretty surprised to lose, after his third river raise I
began to consider he might even have hold TT for better quads
than mine.

I know that sinking feeling well. My last one involved hitting an Ace-high flush on the river, only to see a fourth of that suit appear on the river. When those ragged cards sorted in my head for the first time, I realized my suddenly excited opponent must have just finished his straight flush. Oops. At least I made him pay to see the winning card.

I used to average around 150 hands per hour; that rate can show you one of these 990:1 shots every 7 hours of play. Leaves one with a healthy respect for the sharp pointy bit on the end of the bell curve, after you've been stabbed with it a few times you start to remember it's there.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD

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