Here's what I want to do: I have a master table that has 2 columns: idcol1 and idcol2, where idcol2 is equivalent to idcol1
Table: color_eq idcol1 idcol2 1 1 2 2 2 3 Table: warehouse idcol qty 1 10 2 20 if I execute "update warehouse set qty=10 where idcolor=3", I want the trigger to search table color_eq for idcol2=3, picks its corresponding idcol1 and update the table warehouse with idcol1. The problem I'm facing is that the trigger before update won't execute if there isn't a row with idcol=3 in the table warehouse. Here's my code: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_warehouse() returns "trigger" AS ' declare idcolmaestro float:=0; BEGIN select into a idcolor1 from color_eq where idcolor2=old.idcolor; if a is null then a=old.idcolor; end if; new.idcolor=a; return new; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; CREATE TRIGGER update_warehouse_trigger before UPDATE ON warehouse FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_warehouse(); Any help would be greatly appreciated!