På mandag 15. august 2011 kl 16:36:23 skrev du:
> On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Andreas Joseph Krogh
> <andr...@officenet.no> wrote:
> > No, PG has never, and will never, act as an application-server.
> Why in the world not?  Now, it may or may not be a good idea but there
> is no technical constraint that prevents postgresql from being used in
> this fashion. I think it's a fine idea.
> Postgresql has certain features, in particular being able to implement
> functions in any language, that make it uniquely well suited among its
> peers to act as a application server platform.  Having a
> quasi-functional front end to your middeware procedural code is very
> powerful as is having direct access to a local data store for caching
> and spooling purposes.  So powerful that I would argue that if
> properly supported by tools it would be superior to many of the more
> classic stacks in use today.  I could go down the list of reasons why
> that's the case -- tight coupling with data, performance, emphasis on
> transactional coding, etc.   There are downsides too, but those could
> be mitigated with some thought and work.
> Postgres is not just a database -- it's a language hosting platform if
> you want to use it as such.  Now, you can continue to do things as
> you've always done (database 'here', code 'here', web server 'here'),
> but why discourage people from trying out different things?
> merlin

Sorry if I stepped on any toes here. But seriously - by my definition of 
app-server PG is not suited at all. I strongly would discourage anyone from 
using any RDBMS as an app-server. *IMO* it makes development, testing, 
separation-of-consern, debugging and re-deployment a nightmare.

PG has a lot of nice DB-features and I use it every day, but as an app-server - 
no way.

Andreas Joseph Krogh <andr...@officenet.no>
Senior Software Developer / CTO
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