On Thursday, August 18, 2011 3:25:59 pm Dmitry Koterov wrote:
> Mmm, --disable-triggers is not surely enough - we also have RULEs and (much
> worse) INDEXes.
> If we create all indices and then restore all data, it is MUCH SLOWER than
> restore the data first and then - create all indices.
> So I think that there is no work-around really...

Yes there is. Do the schema only dump of the table in question, comment out the 
Indexes and rules you don't want. Load the data. Go back to the schema dump 
comment out the table and uncomment the Indexes/rules,etc . 
Write a script that does the same thing automatically. 

> I propose to include an option to pg_dump to skip several tables data
> restoration. :-)

I thought you where looking to exclude only one table. As you found out the 
dependency issues for one table can be a problem. Doing more than one makes the 
process even more brittle.

Adrian Klaver

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