On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:11 AM, MirrorX <mirr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello all,
> i came with a strange finding the other day and i would appreciate any ideas
> on the matter (if any). while checking on the locks of the server i found a
> tuple indicating that a prepared transaction had requested an exclusive lock
> on a relation. in general, i am aware of the situations where an exclusive
> lock is requested (alter table, drop, create index, vacuum full ...) but i
> would like to know if there are any other cases when an exclusive lock
> request could be issued. i have ran many tests since then but didnt manage
> to recreate the lock. i used various combinations of concurrent transactions
> of inserts,update,deletes using foreign keys and other constraints but with
> no use. so, do you have in mind any other situation (beside the obvious ones
> mentioned before) when such a lock can be requested? thx in advance

a couple more 'obvious' ones:

hm, can't think of anything else off top of head...


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