I wrote:
> Lonni J Friedman <netll...@gmail.com> writes:
>> [ this doesn't work: ]
>> $ cat 2011-08-25-1314280801-nightly.out | pg_restore -j2 -U lfriedman -v -d 
>> nightly
>> pg_restore: [custom archiver] cannot reopen stdin
>> pg_restore: *** aborted because of error

> I agree though that that's not a terribly friendly error message.
> I thought we had some code in there to complain about non-seekable
> input files, but it looks like we missed a case.

On closer inspection, I think it's just that nobody thought very hard
about presenting this limitation in a user-friendly fashion.  I've
committed a patch that will make it fail like this:

pg_restore: [custom archiver] parallel restore from stdin is not supported

immediately upon startup.

                        regards, tom lane

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