Hello Everyone,

I have a situation here -

I am trying to restore the production online backup and recover the same.

 - I had initially rsynced (excluded pg_log) the data directory and the
tarred and zipped the same
 - SCP'd the tar to a different server and untarred and unzipped the same
 - I got an error "unable to read <filename> from pg_clog location" (file
size is around 160K)

I have an backup as on Aug 24th and the pg_clog file which pg is unable to
read is as on Aug 5th.

I am aware that the size of the files in pg_clog is supposed to be 256K.

What i understood is that, rsync some how missed out on syncing the files in
"pg_clog", so, i had manually coped the missing pg_clog file from production
and tried recovery.

To my surprise, PG recovery had asked for the corresponding pg_xlog (wal
archive) file as on Aug 5th.

Is there a way to recovery this ?
Do i need to get that particular wal archive which is before online backup
time ?

I do have all the other files till Aug24th.

By this experience what i understand is that Postgresql stores committed and
uncommited transactions in pg_xlog / wal archive files and information (not
the transaction data) about transaction commit status is stored in pg_clog.
Am I correct ?

I am in the process of designing a disaster recovery planner for our
productions systems.

Version  - PG-9.0.1
OS        - RHEL 5

Please advice !


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