
I have a program in java to make a backup running pg_restore, If you use
linux give a successful outcome.
but if you use windows I mark an error generating the socket. I think that
it could be the environment variables in Windows.
My java code is as follows.

String  comando="";
String env[]={ "PGPASSWORD="+String.valueOf( jPPass.getPassword() ) };
comando=directorioBinario+" -h "+jTxIP.getText()+" -d
"+jTxNombreTabla.getText()+" -U "+jTxNombreUsuario.getText()+"  -v -1

try {
    *p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(comando,env);*   <-------Error in windows
    InputStream es = p.getErrorStream();
} catch (IOException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(gPrincipal.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,

I use my env variable to enter the password of postgres

ISC Miguel Angel Hernandez Moreno

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