> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ondrej Ivanič [mailto:ondrej.iva...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:47 PM
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: Rules going away
> Hi,
> > folks, don't use RULES! use triggers -- and as much as possible, keep
> > triggers simple, short, and to the point (simple validation, custom
> > RI, auditing/logging, etc).
> I like them :). 'DO INSTEAD' rules are great for partitioning so you
> can insert (or update) to parent table and 'DO INSTEAD' rule takes
> care about the rest.
> --
> Ondrej Ivanic
> (ondrej.iva...@gmail.com)

Years ago (PG version 8.2), I was working on implementing partitioned tables, 
and evaluated whether to use triggers or rules to "automagically" redirect 
inserts/updates/delete from main table to appropriate partition based on the 
value of partitioning key.

Unfortunately, I didn't document my research, but the result was that triggers 
were unusable for my purposes, and I ended up with the rules calling functions 
where using dynamic sql I decide which partition should be used for 
insert/update/delete (at least on "selects" PG takes care of choosing proper 
partition, of course with properly set configuration parameter).

These rules (and functions they call) work perfectly for me all these years in 
many, many, many installations.
So, until PG takes care of the problem I'm solving with the rules (implementing 
"complete" partitioning feature, and not just on "selects"), please leave rules 
where they are, they definitely have their use when properly implemented with 
specific purpose.

Igor Neyman

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