In Postgres 8.4, I have a table called java_types with two columns, package_name and class_name. There is another table called java_objects that defines a column called type whose value matches the concatenation of package_name and class_name. A typical join and result looks like this:

SELECT package_name, class_name, type FROM java_objects o INNER JOIN java_types t ON (t.package_name || '.' || t.class_name) = o.type;

package_name, class_name, type
"java.lang" , "String"  , "java.lang.String"

The above works, although it is slow for large data sets so I defined the following index:

CREATE INDEX java_type_hash
  ON java_types
  USING hash
  (((package_name::text || '.'::text) || class_name::text));

I confirmed that my new index is being used by inspecting the query plan and finding the following:

-> Index Scan using java_type_hash on java_types (cost=0.00..1.22 rows=1 width=49) Index Cond: ((((java_types.package_name)::text || '.'::text) || (java_types.class_name)::text) = (java_objects.type)::text)

This gave me a speed boost and worked initially. A day after defining the index, however, I inserted a few rows into java_types and then many rows into java_objects. When I ran the aforementioned query I got 0 results. A month later (without restarting postgres), I ran the same query and still got 0 results. I suspected the index had either been corrupted or not updated automatically. I confirmed this by running the following:

REINDEX INDEX java_type_hash;

And then when I re-ran the same query the correct results came back! I thought that maybe my system wasn't set to autovacuum but a query for my current settings confirmed that it was:

autovacuum = on
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor = 0.1
autovacuum_analyze_threshold = 256
autovacuum_freeze_max_age = 200000000
autovacuum_max_workers = 3
autovacuum_naptime = 60
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay = 20
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit = -1
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.2
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 512
track_counts = on

Finally, this query gave me some extra information about when my system had last been vacuumed/analyzed:

SELECT relname, last_vacuum, last_autovacuum, last_analyze, last_autoanalyze FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relname = 'java_types'

rename , last_vacuum , last_autovacuum , last_analyze , last_autoanalyze "java_types", "2011-10-04 13:37:03.867-07", "" , "2011-10-04 13:21:22.342-07", "2011-08-30 10:15:13.018-07"

The index was created on 8/30/2011, inserts were done on java_types and java_objects on 8/31/2011, and then 10/4/2011 is when I manually ran REINDEX (and later VACUUM ANALYZE).

So after all that, the questions is: If I have autovacuum set to true then I shouldn't have to worry about calling VACUUM/ANALYZE/REINDEX manually to update my java_types_hash index, right? Maybe my settings are wrong or I'm making an incorrect assumption about Postgres behavior.

Any pointer in the right direction helps. Thanks in advance.


 Justin Naifeh Software Developer

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