On 10/22/2011 06:45 AM, Eric Smith wrote:

I'm adding a column in postgres 8.3 with the syntax:  alter table images add column 
"saveState" varchar(1) default '0';  It takes a good solid 20 minutes to add 
this column to a table with ~ 14,000 entries.  Why so long?  Is there a way to speed that 
up?  The table has ~ 50 columns.

PostgreSQL has to re-write the table to add the column with its new value.

I guess in theory PostgreSQL could keep track of the default for the new column and write it in lazily when a row is touched for some other reason. That'd quickly get to be a nightmare if the user ALTERed the column again to change the default (you'd have to write the _old_ default to all the columns before making the change) and in many other circumstances, though.

You can ALTER your table to add the column without the default, ALTER it again to add the default, then manually UPDATE the values to the new default in the background if you want. Doing it that way will cause the new column to be initially added as NULL, which doesn't require a full table re-write at ALTER time.

Craig Ringer

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