On 25 October 2011 17:04, Marti Raudsepp <ma...@juffo.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 23:23, Szymon Guz <mabew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > String query1 = "SELECT * FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE
> schema_name = ?";
> > When I query the database using psql, both queries return sensible data
> > (even when I prepare statements in postgres).
> > I'd like to use information_schema rather than using pg_catalog.
> The documentation says: The view schemata contains all schemas in the
> current database that are owned by a currently enabled role.
> In other words: this view only displays schemas that are *owned* by
> your user, or roles that your current user inherits from (superuser
> sees everything of course). Sadly it doesn't list visible/accessible
> schemas.
> I think this is pretty surprising; not sure if it's just bad legacy or
> if there is some good reason for this behavior. I couldn't find any
> justification in the source code.
> I think we should add a TODO item for fixing this?
> Regards,
> Marti

thanks for the answer. I was really my fault: I've been using user test in
the java test and postgres user in psql. I've changed the user to
postgres in java and results are OK now.


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