> By default the postgres user's group is 'daemon' on my Mac.  This is probably 
> true for you as well.  Change occurrences of 'postgres:postgres' in your 
> chown commands to 'postgres:daemon'.

For what it's worth, here's the user groups and permissions I see on my Mac. I 
used the installer from EnterpriseDB.com for my Snow Leopard MacBook.

Typing the 'id' command-line tool:
id postgres

Renders this:
uid=502(postgres) gid=1(daemon) 

So, "daemon" is the primary group, along with 4 other groups.

|    system    |  Read & Write   |
|    admin     |    Read only    |
|   everyone   |    Read only    |

|    system    |  Read & Write   |
|    daemon    |    Read only    |
|   everyone   |    Read only    |

|   postgres   |  Read & Write   |
|   everyone   |    No Access    |

--Basil Bourque

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