On 26 October 2011 10:08, Alexander Farber <alexander.far...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    create table pref_games {
>            gid serial,
>            rounds integer not null,
>            finished timestamp default current_timestamp
>    }

> then how do I find the new game id after I've just created it here:
>    create or replace function pref_insert_scores(
>        _uid0 varchar, _money0 integer, _quit0 boolean,
>        _uid1 varchar, _money1 integer, _quit1 boolean,
>        _uid2 varchar, _money2 integer, _quit2 boolean,
>        _rounds integer) returns void as $BODY$
>            begin
>            insert into pref_games (rounds) values (_rounds);
>            -- XXX how do I get the _gid of this new game?

Use insert .. returning gid with a cursor:

   game_cur cursor (n integer) for insert into pref_games (rounds)
values (n) returning gid;
   _rec record;
    for _rec in  game_cur(_rounds) loop
        insert into pref_scores (uid, _rec.gid, money, quit) values...
    end loop;

>            insert into pref_scores (uid, gid, money, quit)
>                values(_uid0, _gid, _money0, _quit0);
>            insert into pref_scores (uid, gid, money, quit)
>                values(_uid1, _gid, _money1, _quit1);
>            insert into pref_scores (uid, gid, money, quit)
>                values(_uid2, _gid, _money2, _quit2);
>            end;
>    $BODY$ language plpgsql;
> Thank you! I've listed few more details at
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7899995/save-scores-of-3-players-per-game-into-postgresql
> Regards
> Alex
> --
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