> I have this tables
> Table: Contact
> IdContact
> First Name
> Second Name
> … other columns
> Table: Employee
> IdEmployee
> IdContact, related to Contact table
> … other columns
> Table: Salesman
> IdSaleman
> IdEmployee, if salesman is employee, related to Employee table
> IdContact, if salesman is not an employee, related to Contact table
> I need a query
> Id Salesman - Second name - First name
> But I can't figure how to do it, can someone can give advise?
> Thanks

Needless to say, this is bit of an odd table layout. You always end up at the 
contact table, but the layout makes it harder to query. Personally I'd have a 
foreign key from the contact table to the employee table, rather than the 
employee table to the contact table - that would also eliminate the employee 
foreign key in the salesman table. It would also allow you to just join the 
salesman table to the contact table and then figure out if the contact is an 

well, that said. Here's a quick one without a lot of deep thought...

select a.idsalesman, b.firstname, b.secondname from salesman a join contact b 
on b.idcontact=a.idcontact union  select c.idsalesman, d.firstname, 
d.secondname from salesman c join employee e on e.idemployee=c.idemployee join 
contact d on d.idcontact=e.idcontact

No guarantees though. It's midnight here and I had a long day...

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