El 05/11/11 01:51, Steve Murphy escribió:

I give! I'm flummoxed!

Here is what I have, 3 tables:


company        building   status0

3                             x           active

4                             x           active

5                             x           active

3                             x           active

3                             x           active

3                             x           active

In the end, I want to replace the building id's above. They start out with the non-informative value of '1';


id      name   status

3         x           active

4         y           active

5         z           active


id     company   name

1           3                 A           active

2           3                 B           active

3           3                 C           active

4           4                 D           active

5           4                 E           active

6           4                 F           active

7           5                 G           active

8           5                 H           active

9           5                 I            active

So, every company has 3 schedules. Of the 3, I'd like to select the *one* with the lowest id.

I'm using postgresql 8.1. Yes, ancient, but I have no choice in this affair.

select schedule.id as sched_id, bld.id as bid



        left join company on schedule.company = company.id

left join (select * from building where building.company = company.id order by id limit 1) as bld


schedule.status = 'active' and company.status = 'active' and bld.status = 'active';

I get a syntax error on the the "where".

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "where" at character ….

LINE 6:         where


If I leave out the where clause entirely, that's an error also,

ERROR:  syntax error at or near ";" at character ….

LINE 5:          …  as bld ;

^ <it's right under the semicolon>

So, it's expecting ***SOMETHING*** after the "as bld", but it sure isn't going to tell me what.

What am I missing?

The join condition maybe?

left join (select....)  as bid on ..something....

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