Title: RE: [GENERAL] How to see a RULE definition?

You can use:
pgdump -s > outfile

which will dump all the schema for the database.
It should be in there somewhere ;)



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josh Goodman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 11 January 2001 16:16
> Subject: [GENERAL] How to see a RULE definition?
>       I am a Postgresql convert from MySQL so I am fairly new to this
> system but I am catching on quick.  I had a question that I
> couldn't find
> in any of the docs or in the FAQ's.  I was creating a rule on
> a view and
> was wondering if there was a way to look at the rule
> definition once it
> has been saved?
>       I envision myself creating a few rules here and there but if I
> move off this DB project and someone else takes over I would
> like them to
> have a way to see what I did.  I was able to figure out that
> all the rules
> for a particular DB are stored in the pg_rewrite table but that seems
> almost unreadable for a human.  What I would like is a
> command that spits
> out the create syntax I used when the rule was first created.  On that
> same line of thinking, is there a command to get a list of
> all rules that
> have been put on a table?
>       I guess if all else fails I will just have to pull up a good old
> text editor and detail exactly what rules I build in.
> Thanks,
> Josh Goodman

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