In I read

13.2.1. Read Committed Isolation Level
. . . two successive SELECT commands can see different data, even though they 
are within a single transaction . . .

Please consider this code being executed by postgres:
= = = = = = = = = =
select some_int from tableX
union all
select another_int from tableY
= = = = = = = = = =
Are these two select statements considered "successive" when isolation == Read 
Committed ?
Or are they instead guaranteed to see the same snapshot of the database ?

Also, please consider this code being executed by postgres:
= = = = = = = = = =
CREATE Or Replace FUNCTION fx_one() RETURNS  setof integer AS
select some_int from tableX;
$$ LANGUAGE 'sql';

CREATE Or Replace FUNCTION fx_two() RETURNS  setof integer AS
select another_int from tableY;
$$ LANGUAGE 'sql';

select * from fx_one()
union all
select * from fx_two()
= = = = = = = = = =
Are the two select statements inside fx_one and fx_two considered "successive" 
when isolation == Read Committed ?
Or are they instead guaranteed to see the same snapshot of the database ?


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