On 11/23/2011 06:47 AM, J.V. wrote:
So if there is only one versin of postgeSQL installed and no other
products with the name "postgres", which I am guessing is very typical
in most instances, can I change the uninstaller to delete/remove
everything that this installer installed?

The installer is, unfortunately, not open source, so you can't :S

That aside, the problem is with determining reliably when the product being uninstalled is the only product still using the `postgres' user, etc. That might sound easy, but in practice it isn't as installers can't be trusted to register themselves in any single central place or to unregister themselves properly on uninstall (assuming they're even uninstalled by the user not just deleted).

If there is another instance, it would leave the common things around of
course, but uninstalling a single instance leaves a lot of droppings
around that need to be manually cleaned up.

I'd like to see a "clean uninstall" command line option that'd remove the user account, etc even if it broke things. Let the *user* judge when a clean uninstall is appropriate, since they know what they've installed.

This can be provided as a vbs script that talked to wmi. If you were to write a suitable script, I'm sure the EnterpriseDB folks would consider including it in the installer and adding an option to run it on uninstall.

Craig Ringer

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