On 29/11/11 11:21, tamanna madaan wrote:
> Hi Craig
> Thanks for your reply . But unfortunately I dont have that process
> running right now. I have already killed that process . But I have
> seen this problem sometimes on my setup.
> It generally happens when the remote system is going slow for some
> reason (CPU utilization high etc.)  . But whatever is the reason , I
> would assume that the query should return with some error or so
> in case the system, the query is running on , is rebooted .  But  it
> doesn't return and remain stuck. Moreover, the same query sometimes
> hangs even if it is run on local postgres  database so I dont think
> network issues have any role in that . Please help.

Well, it *really* shouldn't hang locally.

To help you further I'll need you to collect the information on the
stuck process next time you encounter one and post that as a reply.
Maybe with a bit more info we can see what might be going on.

Craig Ringer

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