I created special custom aggregate function to append arrays defined as:
CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum (anyarray)
    sfunc = array_cat,
    stype = anyarray,
    initcond = '{}'

On arrays of common types it work without any problems:
SELECT array_accum(i) from (values (ARRAY[1,2]), (ARRAY[3,4])) as t(i);
(1 row)

However once I try use it with record[] type I get an error:
SELECT array_accum(i) from (values (ARRAY[row(1,2),row(2,3)]),
(ARRAY[row(1,2),row(2,3)])) as t(i);
ERROR:  cannot concatenate incompatible arrays
DETAIL:  Arrays with element types record[] and record are not compatible
for concatenation.

The base function of the aggregate:
array_cat work with record[] without any complains:
SELECT array_cat(ARRAY[row(1,2),row(2,3)], ARRAY[row(1,2),row(2,3)]);

What I doing wrong? Or how to create correct version of such aggregate

Maxim Boguk
Senior Postgresql DBA.

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Phone AU: +61 45 218 5678

Skype: maxim.boguk
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