Hi all-

I'm trying to match up two tables based on a primary key, and then copy
(update) a field in the second table to match a field in the first. Hard to
explain well... so here's an example:

select * from one;

a  | b
1  | null
2  | null

select * from two;

c  | d
1  | one
2  | two

In essence, I want to match up the records where one.a=two.c and update
one.b with the value in two.d . In Oracle, I would use this statement:

update one set b = (select d from two where one.a = two.c);

in psql, I get a syntax error when I do this. Either a correlated
subquery/update is not supported, or (more likely) I'm using the wrong
approach. Can anyone tell me whether this is supported, or how I can get the
job done using a different approach?


Nick Fankhauser

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone 1.765.935.4283  Fax 1.765.962.9788
Ray Ontko & Co.  Software Consulting Services  http://www.ontko.com/

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.fankhausers.com

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