Below is what the beginning of the log looks like. There area a total of 21,733 
lines of errors. Please let me know if I should provide the complete error log 
  2011-12-20 12:10:58 CST LOG:  database system was shut down at 2011-12-20 
12:10:56 CST
  2011-12-20 12:10:58 CST LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
  2011-12-20 12:10:58 CST LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
I believe this is where I would have ran psql...
  2011-12-20 12:33:48 CST ERROR:  role "postgres" already exists
  2011-12-20 12:33:48 CST STATEMENT:  CREATE ROLE postgres;
  2011-12-20 12:33:48 CST ERROR:  database "postgis" already exists
  2011-12-20 12:33:48 CST STATEMENT:  CREATE DATABASE postgis WITH TEMPLATE = 
template0 OWNER = postgres;
  2011-12-20 12:33:48 CST ERROR:  database "template_postgis" already exists
  2011-12-20 12:33:48 CST STATEMENT:  CREATE DATABASE template_postgis WITH 
TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = postgres;
  2011-12-20 12:33:51 CST ERROR:  language "plpgsql" already exists
  2011-12-20 12:33:51 CST STATEMENT:  CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  2011-12-20 12:33:51 CST ERROR:  type "box2d" already exists
  2011-12-20 12:33:51 CST STATEMENT:  CREATE TYPE box2d;
  2011-12-20 12:33:51 CST ERROR:  function "st_box2d_in" already exists with 
same argument types
And here is a summary of more of the errors in the beginning of the log... it 
goes through each function with errors that the function already exists 
(similar to above) and then the same errors that the aggregate already exists,
  2011-12-20 12:33:56 CST STATEMENT:  CREATE AGGREGATE st_union(geometry) (
       SFUNC = pgis_geometry_accum_transfn,
       STYPE = pgis_abs,
       FINALFUNC = pgis_geometry_union_finalfn
  2011-12-20 12:33:56 CST ERROR:  operator && already exists
...then these two tables already exist...
  2011-12-20 12:34:03 CST ERROR:  relation "geometry_columns" already exists
  2011-12-20 12:34:04 CST ERROR:  relation "spatial_ref_sys" already exists
...then a bunch of checkpoint errors...
  2011-12-20 12:34:11 CST LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (22 
seconds apart)
  2011-12-20 12:34:11 CST HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration 
parameter "checkpoint_segments".
  2011-12-20 12:34:18 CST LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 
seconds apart)
  2011-12-20 12:34:18 CST HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration 
parameter "checkpoint_segments".
  2011-12-20 12:44:16 CST ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique 
constraint "spatial_ref_sys_pkey"
  2011-12-20 12:44:16 CST CONTEXT:  COPY spatial_ref_sys, line 1: "3819 EPSG 
3819 GEOGCS["HD1909",DATUM["Hungarian_Datum_1909",SPHEROID["Bessel 
  2011-12-20 12:44:16 CST STATEMENT:  COPY spatial_ref_sys (srid, auth_name, 
auth_srid, srtext, proj4text) FROM stdin;
  2011-12-20 12:44:22 CST LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 
seconds apart)
  2011-12-20 12:44:22 CST HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration 
parameter "checkpoint_segments".
  2011-12-20 12:44:29 CST LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 
seconds apart)
...and then more checkpoint_segment errors and then...
  2011-12-20 12:45:55 CST ERROR:  canceling autovacuum task
  2011-12-20 12:45:55 CST CONTEXT:  automatic analyze of table 
  2011-12-20 12:45:57 CST ERROR:  canceling autovacuum task
  2011-12-20 12:45:57 CST CONTEXT:  automatic analyze of table 
  2011-12-20 12:45:59 CST ERROR:  canceling autovacuum task
  2011-12-20 12:45:59 CST CONTEXT:  automatic analyze of table 
  2011-12-20 12:46:00 CST ERROR:  canceling autovacuum task
  2011-12-20 12:46:00 CST CONTEXT:  automatic analyze of table 
  2011-12-20 12:46:01 CST ERROR:  multiple primary keys for table 
"geometry_columns" are not allowed
  2011-12-20 12:46:01 CST STATEMENT:  ALTER TABLE ONLY geometry_columns

       ADD CONSTRAINT geometry_columns_pk PRIMARY KEY (f_table_catalog, 
f_table_schema, f_table_name, f_geometry_column);
  2011-12-20 12:46:01 CST ERROR:  multiple primary keys for table 
"spatial_ref_sys" are not allowed
  2011-12-20 12:46:01 CST STATEMENT:  ALTER TABLE ONLY spatial_ref_sys

       ADD CONSTRAINT spatial_ref_sys_pkey PRIMARY KEY (srid);
This is the first 1/3 of the errors, so hopefully this will help diagnose where 
my problem may be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you in advance.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tom Lane 
  To: Dara Olson 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 7:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [GENERAL] out of memory error with loading pg_dumpall 

  "Dara Olson" <> writes:
  > I am attempting to create an exact copy of our production database/cluster 
on a different server for development.  I created a dumpall file which is 
8.7GB. When I attempt to run this in psql on the new server it seems okay and 
then I got a string of "invalid command \N" lines" and then "out of memory" in 
the command prompt and then in the postgres log it states at the end,

  > CST LOG:  could not receive data from client: Unknown winsock error 10061
  > CST LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection

  I'd suggest you need to look at the *first* message not the last one.
  What it sounds like is that psql is failing on some line of COPY data
  and then trying to interpret the rest of the data as SQL commands.
  Why that's happening is likely to be revealed by the first few messages.

  regards, tom lane

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