On 01/01/2012 11:51 AM, Jay Levitt wrote:

revoke connect on database rails_dev from public;
select pg_terminate_backend(procpid) from pg_stat_activity where datname='rails_dev';

Still, the app can reconnect. (So can psql.)


1. How can I prevent (or redirect, or timeout, or anything) new connections? I think superuser roles might be exempt from connection limits and privileges. I could repeatedly terminate backends until I'm able to rename the database, but... ick.

2. What's a better way to slave to a master database without being a read-only slave? In other words, we want to use the production database as a starting point each morning, but we'll be creating test rows and tables that we wouldn't want to propagate to production. Can I do this while the database is live through some existing replication tool? The production database is on Ubuntu but the workstations are Macs, FWIW.

More along the lines of what Greg has said. Not clear to me why an individual dev box needs to be that current data-wise. Of course stopping and starting your app should be easy, especially for the developers so maybe that's a better place to start. Then dev can do it when and how often suits dev best (even cronning shutdown app; reload db; to happen 3am Sundays)

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