On 9 January 2012 14:55, Radosław Smogura <rsmog...@softperience.eu> wrote:
> So responsible for this is database, but database doesn't have
> "real" BLOBs, this what is made in PG JDBC driver is just "not perfect" way
> to add this functionality to PostgreSQL.

I think you should elaborate on what you mean when you say that
Postgres doesn't have "real" BLOBs.

This discussion did make me wonder about something in Postgres'
LOB-support though. As explained earlier, the current implementation
allows for dedubbing LOB's, so that it's not necessary to store the
same large(!) object multiple times. That is also what's causing this
issue with the JDBC driver, or perhaps Hybernate in particular.

However, shouldn't it be up to the application designer to dedup large
objects or not?

The current implementation is probably rather convenient for projects
where duplicate large objects are common, but - as it turns out - it
can be quite inconvenient when that's opposite to expectations.

ISTMT this behaviour should at least be optional. Of course that
raises the question what should happen with an existing set of LOB's
when that setting gets changed.
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
Cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.

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