On 19/01/2012 20:40, Willem Buitendyk wrote:
> I tried manually starting without the service automatically running
> using pg_ctl start -D "c:\program files (x86)\etc etc"  which
> reported back that i might have another postmaster running.  I then
> did pg_ctl reload -D "c:\program files (x86)\etc etc" and it sent a
> signal and voila it worked.  I have since put everything back to
> having the postgresql service start automatically upon machine
> startup and its back to not working.  In fact, when I run pg_ctl
> status from a fresh boot with the postgresql service automatically
> starting I get the return message of: pg_ctl: no server running.

So are you saying that the PostgreSQL service isn't starting up
automatically on system boot, even though it's set to? If so, you need
to check the Windows event log and the Postgres logs to find the reason.

The fact that it works for you when logged in, but not at system boot,
smells to me like a permissions problem... but I'm not an expert.


Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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