On 2012-01-03, Frank Lanitz <fr...@frank.uvena.de> wrote:
> Am 02.01.2012 20:13, schrieb Hagen Finley:
>> I am using psql (8.2.15) and I would like to input German characters
>> (e.g. ä,ß,ö) into char fields I have in a database
> I see that you are using Outlook which leads me to assume you are
> running Windows as host for your transaction. Therefor you might are
> logged in into server with putty. Can you ensure you putty settings are
> correct so ä etc are get posted properly to database? Also what is
> bringing you to the points its not working correctly?

last time I played with putty I discovered a setting that enabled UTF8
I didn't test it beyond verifying that slrn looked a lot nicer with
UTF8 enabled, specifically I didn't test input, but I note that there
is some UTF8 support but by default it is disabled.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

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