G_Hosa_Phat wrote:
I've been trying to develop a new application in VB.NET (VS2008) against a
PostgreSQL 9.1.1 database server running on Windows Server 2008 using SSPI
authentication, and I'm running into this same error.  I've tried both
specifying the username and not specifying it in my
NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder object, as well as trying to set or not set
the IntegratedSecurity property of the object (not setting it results in a
different error).  I was even looking for a property I could set to define
the user credentials (that's actually a whole different topic of discussion,
so we'll leave that alone for now).

I checked my version of Npgsql, and it's showing to be  I tried
looking at the pgFoundry Web site and am unable to find a version
available.  Is this something that is still waiting for release, or am I
missing something?  If you require any additional details about this issue,
please let me know.

Just a guess: You don't have something like "host all all sspi" in your pg_hba.conf do you?



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