> > So table file size zero bytes (seems autovacuum truncated that table to 0
> > bytes).
> Hmmm .... something did, but I see no clear evidence that it was
> autovacuum.
> Do you know why the mod date on the file is 2012-02-20 12:04?  That's
> more than two days after the error in your logs, so it's not clear to me
> that the current state of the file tells us much about what happened on
> the 17th.  If autovacuum had truncated the table then, and the table
> wasn't touched otherwise, the file mod date shouldn't have increased.
>                        regards, tom lane


Cron was attempt to populate the table once per hour after that problem
And each time it was produced the same error.
So table had attempted write activity after error happen:
2012-02-18 00:36:01 MSK 27743 hh.app@hh from [local] [vxid:95/19965879
txid:2342867908] [INSERT] ERROR:  could not read block 171 in file
"base/16404/118881486": read only 0 of 8192 bytes
2012-02-18 00:36:01 MSK 27743 hh.app@hh from [local] [vxid:95/19965879
txid:2342867908] [INSERT] STATEMENT:  insert into agency_statistics
(employer_id, area_id, area_path, professional_area_id, vacancies_number)
select e.employer_id, vb.area_id, a.path, s.professional_area_id,
count(distinct v.vacancy_id) from vacancy v inner join employer e on
v.employer_id = e.employer_id inner join vacancy_body vb on
v.vacancy_body_id = vb.vacancy_body_id inner join
vacancy_body_specialization vs on vb.vacancy_body_id = vs.vacancy_body_id
inner join specialization s on s.specialization_id = vs.specialization_id
inner join area a on vb.area_id = a.area_id where v.archived_status in (0)
and v.disabled = false and e.category = $1 and e.state = $2 and
e.manager_id > 0 group by e.employer_id, vb.area_id, a.path,
and so on until Monday when I was informed about that problem.

For information the table has quite simple structure without any unusual

hh=# \d+ agency_statistics_old
                        Table "public.agency_statistics_old"
        Column        |          Type          | Modifiers | Storage  |
 employer_id          | integer                | not null  | plain    |
 area_id              | integer                | not null  | plain    |
 area_path            | character varying(255) | not null  | extended |
 professional_area_id | integer                | not null  | plain    |
 vacancies_number     | integer                | not null  | plain    |
 rank                 | integer                |           | plain    |
 normalised_rank      | integer                |           | plain    |
    "agency_statistics_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (employer_id, area_id,
professional_area_id) CLUSTER
Has OIDs: no
Options: fillfactor=50

I almost sure I will get an error if I try insert something to the
Should I perform that test?

Kind Regards,

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