On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 11:44:09 am James B. Byrne wrote:

> I encountered a strange inconsistency with PGAdmin3-1.14.2
> relating to this.  After executing "ALTER LANGUAGE plpgsql
> owner to devl;" in the SQL query pane inside PGAdmin3 the
> extension ownership change is never reflected in the
> object properties pane.  Even when disconnecting and
> reconnecting to the server after the change the properties
> pane of the extension in that database continues to show
> the plpgsql owner as postgres.  psql on the other hand
> shows the new language owner as expected.

pgAdmin bug reports can be submitted here:


I am sure they would appreciate knowing about the above issue.

> By the way.  Thank you very much for your assistance with
> this. It is greatly appreciated.

No problem. I learned some new things along the way also.

> Regards,

Adrian Klaver

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