On 29/02/2012 15:51, David Greco wrote:
> I have a function definited as such:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION address_pkg.parse_zip(IN cpostal character
> varying, OUT czip character varying, OUT czip4 character varying)
> LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> How does one call this from another plpgsql function? Currently, I am
> using something of the form:
> SELECT * INTO cZip, cZip4 FROM Address_pkg.Parse_Zip(postal_code);
> But, I am not a big fan of this. Is there another way?

What's wrong with that?

But to answer your question, I don't think there is... within pl/pgsql
you have to SELECT INTO, or if you want to discard the result then you
do PERFORM instead.


Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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